From the back-of-house to those that greet you at the door, restaurant workers are heroes. They work tirelessly, and many put in long hours, to ensure that your experience at a restaurant is top-notch. Prepping, cooking, cleaning, delivering your meals… they do it all!
Over the pandemic, restaurant workers showed us all what it means to Hero Up. They were one of the hardest hit industries, and many lost their jobs. Those that remained bravely masked up, took orders, and smiled at each and every guest.
To kick off 2022, we’re honoring all restaurant workers. Thank you for all you do!
If you’re a restaurant worker, please come in and relax for a few minutes. When you’re ready, let your server know that you work at a restaurant, and we’ll take 10% off your check.
One small way we let you know you are appreciated.
Restaurant workers ❤️ Our January, 2022 heroes!