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Election Workers & Volunteers

Nothing is more American than voting. This year is a presidential election year, and this month, we salute all of the people who make our elections happen.

Not the people running for election, the people running the election process.

Before each election, thousands of people sign up to help put on the single most important event we hold in our democracy. Elections officials across the USA depend on reliable, dedicated teams of poll workers 

and volunteers to make every Election Day run smoothly.

Poll workers must be:

  • A United States citizen or legal permanent resident; or
  • An eligible high school student.

What does a poll worker do? A LOT… They:

  • Set up and closes a polling place
  • Help voters understand their rights
  • Protect ballots and voting equipment

All so that we can make our voice heard.

That’s a lot, when you think of the number of places you can go to cast your vote, and the number of people voting. Without these workers, democracy might not run as smoothly as it does.

That’s why we’re honoring ELECTION POLL WORKERS & VOLUNTEERS at American Heroes & Brew for the month of November. If you are a poll worker or volunteer, thank you! ❤️ When you dine at our house in the month of November 2024, let us know and we’ll take 10% off your check. 

One small win for the smooth democractic process that you ensure for all of us.